D.R. LONG RANGE CONCEPTS, LLC D.R. Long Range Concepts, LLC instructs the concept of precision rifle skills which include; Long Range Marksmanship, Range Estimation (using Mil-Relation, MOA Reticle or BDC Reticle), Internal & External & Terminal Ballistics, Realistic firing positions, The effects of weather and Observer training. Whether you are a three-gun competitor, serious hunter, Military/ Law Enforcement or a recreational shooter wanting to learn or improve Long Range skills, we are ready to roll. We combine all of our experiences to teach these proven essentials to any level of a "coachable" individual. It is very satisfying to range a target, determine the effects of weather and place an accurate shot on target ! We created the store for our students in mind. We offer products we believe and use in the field everyday.
For more information about our Long Range Precision Rifle Course go to:
D.R. Long Range Concepts, LLC 17561 Mill Hill Rd Garfield, AR 72732 479-903-0369 |